3 Quotes & Sayings By Ais

Ais is a digital media consultant, writer, and speaker. She has worked with corporations large and small in the U.S. and Canada in improving their online reputation efforts, including Amway Corporation, Dow Chemical Company, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Read more

Ais has also consulted on social media marketing for large clients such as Toyota Motor Corporation, Gap Inc., and Best Buy. Ais is the co-founder of ThePozitiveLife.com and author of The Power of Positive: What You Need to Embrace Your Life and Change the World (2014).

What do you want?” Boyd whispered.“ You– Ais
I had more to say, ” Sin said, still looking frustrated. “But it doesn’t come out right when I try. I always say the wrong things.” Boyd nodded but he was so caught by their proximity, by the green of Sin’s eyes, that at first he struggled with his own words.“ It’s alright, ” he said at last. “As long you don’t hate me, it’s enough.”“ That is not enough, ” Sin growled. “Not by a goddamn long shot. You just have no idea, Boyd. No fucking clue.”“ About what?”“ Everything. Why I acted the way I did… Why I was so pissed off. It will never make any sense to you because I don’t know how to explain.”“ So try, ” Boyd pressed. “Please.”“I don’t know how. . Ais